Prescription Opioids Create A National Crisis

Every day there is something in the media on prescription opioids. For good reason, the problem is real—overdose deaths, selling them, and addiction. It all comes from the Vicodin, Oxycontin, and Fentanyl physicians prescribe. OxyContin tablets crushed into powder for insufflation (snorting). Notice the tablets at the top with the coating removed. By 51fifty at Read more about Prescription Opioids Create A National Crisis[…]

Has Medicine Lost its Mind?

  Your physician is not trained to treat your mental health problems. A slightly different version of this post was posted on Psychology Today on February 7, 2018 Since 1985, I’ve focused on patient-centered communication and mental health care in medical settings. That’s right—medical settings—not psychiatric settings. That’s because primary health care physicians are typically Read more about Has Medicine Lost its Mind?[…]
