Available Where Major Books Sold
Publication date March 4, 2025
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Uncovers a startling fact: the mental health crisis continues because primary doctors without mental health training handle over 75 percent of care. Wrong diagnoses and untreated conditions such as depression, anxiety, and addiction result in avoidable deaths, ruined lives, and widespread pain. With almost 100 million Americans affected, psychiatrists and psychologists each help only 12 percent, leaving most patients without adequate care. This book lays bare the system’s shortcomings and gives you the tools to push for change. Medicine won’t correct itself—but if we join forces, we can make it. Read, act, and create an impact.
Somewhere along its journey through millennia, medicine lost track of the centrality of mental health in human wellness. The cost in needless suffering and avoidable death has been immense. Full of compelling patient stories and historical detail, Has Medicine Lost Its Mind explains how we got here, why it matters, and what to do about it. This book is essential reading for anyone who cares about reuniting care for both the mind and the body, and anyone who has experienced the costs of failing to do so. That is, frankly, all of us.
Don Berwick, MD13th Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Founding President and CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, former candidate for Governor of Massachusetts.
Mental health has long been an orphan in health care. In this timely book, Dr Bob Smith argues that, now more than ever, health care needs to integrate mental and physical health. Dr. Smith shares the wisdom from patients, physicians, and philosophers to remind us that splitting the mind from the body neglects both. No health without mental health has long been a refrain from mental health advocates. In this important book, Dr. Smith draws on a lifetime of experience to show us how to integrate mental and physical health to create whole person care.
Thomas Insel, MDformer Director of the National Institute of Mental Health and author, Healing: Our Path from Mental Illness to Mental Health.
Has Medicine Lost Its Mind tells the depressing story of our nation's failed mental health system. Like a psychoanalyst delving deep into the origin of a patient's problem, Smith explores the history in detail beginning with mental health's infancy and the mind-body split. And as with all unresolved mental health issues, he explains how ignoring them has made their current manifestations dramatically worse. Anyone who has ever been anxious, depressed or struggled with a family member suffering from a more serious psychological problem will find comfort in the solutions he proposes. And that is all of us.
Dr. Robert PearlStanford University Business and Medical School professor.
A passionate plea for reforming medical education from a doctor who has devoted his career to teaching student doctors how to listen to patients. Now he goes further to describe the benefits that would flow if all physicians knew how to understand and help mental health problems. Patients would benefit of course, but his proposal could also improve physician satisfaction and medicine as a whole.
Randolph NesseProfessor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan and a founder of the field of evolutionary medicine.

- Take a quiz to see if you have a depression problem and should seek help
- Take a quiz to see if you have an anxiety problem and should seek help
- Learn 9 interesting facts about your mental health care in the US
- Receive a Monthly Newsletter on current mental health issues
Signing up brings you a gift with self-assessment questionnaires for depression and anxiety, 9 surprising facts about mental health, and Dr. Smith’s monthly newsletter, which will have the latest information on current mental health events and publications as well as his new book and blogs. Don’t miss a thing.