Mental Health Care in Medical Settings

Essentials of Psychiatry in Primary Care: Behavioral Health in the Medical Setting: Dr. Smith and his team of co-authors developed this book for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other clinicians–and their teachers–to describe how to conduct basic mental health care in primary care settings. It features the Mental Health Care Model that integrates the prominent physical symptom presentation found in medical settings with standard psychological symptoms of mental disorders; most psychiatry textbooks do not address the physical symptom presentation of mental disorders. The Mental Health Care Model is the only evidence-based approach to primary care mental health care, demonstrated effective in two randomized controlled trials. Endorsed by the American College of Physicians, the book was first published in May, 2019.

It is available in print and digital editions, the latter on McGraw-Hill’s Access Medicine Website (Search under the term “primary care psychiatry”), to which all medical schools and many other institutions subscribe; click on the small star following the book title to see if you have free access through your institution.

SMITH RC, D’MELLO D, OSBORN G, FREILICH L, DWAMENA FC, LAIRD-FICK H: Essentials of Psychiatry in Primary Care: Behavioral Health in the Medical Setting, McGraw-Hill; 2019

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